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You are Beautiful Now! 7 Ways to Put our Real Clothes Back On!

Writer's picture: Brandis PhelanBrandis Phelan

Hello, my dear reader!

I am happy to be writing today. I took some time off from my regularly scheduled writing to enjoy Mother's Day! If you are a mother, I hope that you had a good day!

I want to offer some encouragement today. This is encouragement for you and of course for me too! We must be our own encouragement. I highly recommend encouraging yourself, my dear reader. You can do it. Whether it is in writing, singing, drawing, ect.. You can offer yourself great love. The love that you want from others, you can give to yourself my dear one!

I want to encourage us to " Be Beautiful NOW" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! What would that be like? Gosh, to be beautiful now.

To be as we are created now.

To like ourselves now.

To be accepting of ourselves now.

To not feel like we have to fix ourselves now.

To do what makes us happy now.

To use the talents that God has given us now.

To shine now.

To sparkle now.

To treat our bodies right now.

To feel like we live in abundance now.

To be thankful for the God-given life now.

To LOVE ourselves now.

I know I am jumping right into this, but we only have so much time my dear reader. So we might as well Be Beautiful Now!

I so long to be beautiful now.

But If I were to be real honest. I don't feel beautiful now.

At this season in my life, with the latest trauma of losing my 40-year-old brother, I am questioning everything again.

Back in 2010. I met Jesus Christ and I was assured that I was Beautiful Now. I was assured that I did not have to fix myself anymore. I felt his love and presence so greatly. His presence was TRUE and REAL. I felt his LOVE for me and I knew that I was WORTH it!

I was worth being here!

I was worth being beautiful now!

I felt it from the inside out!

Now, do not get me wrong, I still hold the truths from 2010 that Jesus gave me inside of my heart and trust him deep down inside of myself. However, sometimes just like mud that has settled down to the bottom of a glass in water can be stirred up again and we can have some muddy particles floating around in our minds and souls.

We can have doubts.

I am human and I have doubts. I doubt at times that I am allowed and or capable to Be Beautiful NOW.

Do you feel me, dear reader?

I believe that we go in and out of our Christ Identity. Sometimes we might be good at it and other times we are doubting Thomas.

What is our Christ identity you ask? Well, it is the new identity we wear after we surrender to Jesus and allow him to be the leader of our life. In this identity and I can only say from personal experience, we shed the old and wear the new. In my case, I shed a lot of shame, guilt, judgment, self-loathing, self-punishment, pride, condemnation, and much much more. In exchange for my identity in Christ, I was and am able to wear the fruits of the spirit.

Galatians 5:22-23

New International Version

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Ahhhhhhhh!!! Yes, wearing the identity of Christ and being BEAUTIFUL NOW has always felt better to me! When I allow myself to rest in my new identity I feel better!


This acknowledgment of my new identity always gives me comfort and new energy.

It is a battle though. It truly is hard to wear brilliant white sparkly clothes and claim them as yours when you are used to wearing jeans and a T-shirt.

But my dear reader, these brilliant white clothes are ours to wear! We are Beautiful NOW!

It makes me cry to think about it. We want to wear jeans and a T-shirt and Jesus is telling us, " Hey daughter or son, here are my beautiful brilliant white sparkling clothes, wear these please, they look real good on you and I want you to have them as a gift!"

Oh, how we want to reject his offer at times.

Oh, how we do not feel worthy to wear those clothes.

Oh, how we feel more comfortable in our jeans and T-shirts and would rather not!

BUT......... We are beautiful now! We are beautiful now! We are beautiful now!

If we can walk in our beautiful now, we can inspire and let others know that they are welcome to walk in their beautiful now! We can tell them who gave us our new clothes. and they can wear them too!

You are beautiful now! What are some steps that we can take to be Beautiful Now? This is a question I have been asking myself as of late.

Trauma sometimes makes us take off our brilliant white sparkly clothes and makes us put back on our jeans and t-shirts.

That is ok my dear reader, this happens. It will continue to happen while we are on this side of heaven.

However, we must get back on the horse and put our clothes back on!

How can we do that? Well, I am going to brainstorm some suggestions. Please feel free to add your suggestions in the comment box below so that we can help each other!

7 Ways to put our REAL clothes back on:

1.) Pull out your bible, dust it off, and see what it has to say about who you are!

Here is an awesome link that tells you some beautiful truths! Click on it! You are welcome!

2.) Experiment with making yourself sparkle. Our outer appearance can help our inner world sometimes. Give it a shot. Wear some cool clothes and interesting earrings. Try a style you have not tried on before. You are a daughter or son of the King! You are allowed to feel sparkly! I love following Busbee Style for outfit ideas!

3.) Give yourself some quiet time. Daydream about what used to make you feel beautiful now. Was it walking along the lake? Was it helping someone? Was it creating something special? Was it singing? Was it dancing? Was it sitting with the presence of God and letting it wash over you? Was it ????? Let your mind wander and bring to you a vision of what it was. This Christian-guided journal may be helpful to you in finding your identity in Christ once again.

4.) Remind yourself of time. I know that is not that happy but once we remind ourselves that time is short here on earth we may feel more inclined to BE BEAUTIFUL NOW when we can!

5.) Gather with some trusted people in your life and ask them to remind you of the God-given beauty that the Lord has placed in you! Offer the same back to them! Make it a girl's night!

6.) Hire a life coach to explore this topic. Sometimes we need extra support and a life coach is just the person to help us straighten our crown! LOL! Click here to find some great certified life coaches.

7.) Have FAITH! Yes, this is the hardest one. Trust that Jesus gave you his brilliant white sparkly clothes and call it a day. Ha! No, it is not that easy. We want to work for it! We want to do more! Be more! Well, Jesus says, " Just take it! I died for you and you are mine. Now go act like it." Ugh! WOW! Yep, that is what I must do!

Oh, dear reader! I am right here with you, literally. Trauma has knocked me off the saddle and I have to practice and or choose some of these ways myself.

Can we do it together?

Which way will you practice today? How will you incorporate some of these ways into your life?

I wish you luck and prayer!

You are BEAUTIFUL NOW! Now, kindly go act like it!


Please know that you are not alone and that you just might be searching for your" Beautiful Now" life as well. I love you and God loves you! All are welcome here!

I invite you to subscribe to this blog if you are a hurting person who is still determined to lead a healing life! I am here for it and I can't wait to see where the Lord takes us!

Please pass this along to friends and family who would be interested in these topics.

I love you!

God Bless You!


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11


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