It is a rainy morning this beautiful Sunday and I am sitting at my dining room table with soft music playing on Pandora and a cinnamon candle lit that smells so delightful!
I have been faltering and flailing, not knowing what my next step would be in my journey.
However, when you hear a call from God, you follow it. I was fortunate enough to hear the call with the help of my life coach, coach Emily! It was during a session with her that I knew that I had to start writing this blog. Therefore, I will follow! Just like that song says, "Where you go, I'll go, where you stay, I'll stay, I will follow you!"
My dear reader, my name is Brandis Lynn Phelan. I am a child of God. I was a Spanish high school teacher who left her job to become a stay-at-home mom, then I pursued making YouTube videos and finally went back to school to become a certified professional Christian life coach with Step into a New Day Life Coaching LLC. The coaching profession is where I land and I love and believe in the power of coaching.
However, some things have happened in my life that have made life hard, (not picture perfect for sure!) I introduce to you my dear reader the concept of .............
I used to believe that one would experience pain, heal in the name of the Lord, and be done with it! I also at one point believed that one can push aside pain entirely, and just distract, numb, be busy, and be "PERFECT" to get through.
At this point in my life looking back, the pain that I have experienced starts with childhood trauma at the age of 4 that distorted my sense of worth at my core. I experienced bullying in elementary school that perpetuated that lack of self-worth. Later on in life, my beautiful children, my daughter Estella and then my son Bryson were born premature and had 2-week stays in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. This was coupled with the inability to breastfeed and a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which made me feel like a FAILURE as a mother. But God........ ( a blog for another time soon!)
However, the greatest pain so far has been the death of my younger brother Vincent. He died on October 12th, 2023, and he was only 40 years old. I am sure I will be talking about him a lot here on this blog. He surely is another reason that I am choosing to write. His death has made me realize even more how important it is, to be honest, to encourage others, and to be a source of light for anyone who is hurting and for anyone whose heart breaks and needs encouragement to keep going.

You see my dear reader, I am at a point now where..........................
I KNOW that my HURTING SELF and my HEALING SELF will forever be a part of me!
I cannot push one away and only live in the other. These two parts of me must learn to be friends. I must be able to learn to operate in my day-to-day life with both of these parts of me present at any given time. I must move forward and still help others even though I am not "PERFECT."
I pray that by showing up here on these blog pages with honesty, I permit you to be HONEST too!
Being honest is something that God and I are going to figure out! I know he wants me to dance with him and share my honesty with all of you!
Therefore, my dear reader I will be writing once a week on this blog! You will be able to find a variety of topics like; FAITH, ENCOURAGEMENT, GRIEF, GRATITUDE, HOME, HEALTH, WELLNESS, and of course my favorite..... LIFE COACHING and JOURNALING!
I believe my dear reader that writing in any form is medicine and I pray that as you read the blog you will want to write too or be honest with someone who truly cares about you like a life coach!
I am excited about this new journey and I believe in the power of being honest. I am going to try my best to be honest and allow this blog to be.................
a safe space for me and a safe space for you!
Please know that you are not alone! I love you and God loves you! All are welcome here!
I invite you to subscribe to this blog if you are a hurting person who is still determined to lead a healing life! I am here for it and I can't wait to see where the Lord takes us!
Please pass this along to friends and family who would be interested in these topics.
I love you!
God Bless You!
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Are you looking to be more honest?
Grab a copy of My Christian Guided Journal below.

Would you like to Step into your New Day with one one-on-one Life Coaching?
