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Fear is a Liar- 3 Ways to Interrupt the Cycle and Move toward LOVE!

Writer's picture: Brandis PhelanBrandis Phelan

Hello, my dear reader!

I am so happy to find you here again! As a family, we are officially into summer. It has all been filled with laundry, organizing the house, stocking it with food, as well as swimming lessons for my kiddos. Summer vacation has been a blessing. I enjoy spending time with my kids in a more relaxed schedule! Praise God for that!

Oh, dear reader! I am still on my health journey concerning my gastro system since my 40-year-old brother passed about 8 months ago. This journey has stirred up so much in me. Taking care of my health has brought me to doctors and back to my naturopathic doctor. I feel like I am at square one again. I have recommitted to my health. However, committing to anything in life can bring forward challenges. It can bring up our old stories.

Do you have some old stories you are looking to set aside, my dear reader?

We all have stories and narratives we tell ourselves. Most of these stories are NOT TRUE! One story that I tell myself is that I have to FEAR. I have to be afraid if I do not make the exact right desicion. I have to fit in the box!

Fear loves to put us in a box!


FEAR is a liar!

This old story of fear is coming back up for me. It has been blaring loudly ever since my brother has passed. I think it is coined in the bible that God tells us not to fear 365 times or more in the bible! Clearly God thinks Fear is a liar too!

Living with fear can be a bodily experience. Fear can steal a lot from us physically and mentally. I am not a big fan of living in a state of fear!


Let's take a look at fear and what it can do and then try to figure out how to move forward and interrupt the cycle in order to move to LOVE!

We are invited to change the story and go through other doors!

What does fear do and how can we interrupt the cycle and move forward to LOVE?

#1 PROBLEM- Fear takes over our mind.

It keeps our mind in a hamster wheel. We stay stuck thinking about what we fear over and over again.

-It keeps us moving, running, and never slowing down. It disconnects us from our spirit and traps us in our mind, therefore not allowing us to be open hearted and presnet with ourselves and or our loved ones.

#1- SOLUTION-Move from our mind to LOVE------------------------------>

-Let's Interrupt our hamster wheel mind and use this mantra, " I am allowed to course correct at any time, I am allowed to course correct at any time." Fear cannot trap us when we allow ourselves compasion and kindness to make mistakes, start over, fail, and get back up! We are allowed to course correct at any time.

There is no RIGHT WAY! That does not exist! We are always allowed to live in the grey, not just black and white.

-Let's give our FEAR to Jesus.

He says, "Matthew 11:28-30

New International Version

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Let's allow our fear and the circling mind to go to Jesus. Give it to Jesus! He will gladly take it. We need not carry it! We want to get back to LOVE!

****You can go here to grab my Emotional Release Journal, it will show up as a pop-up on my website and you can give your fear to Jesus through this journaling exercise!

#2- PROBLEM- Fear takes our breath away.

When we are afraid we tense up! Watch yourself one time. Examine yourself. It happens! We tense up and we don't breathe properly. Ideally, we are supposed to take full breaths that go all the way down to our stomach and reach up through our throats and back down again. When we are tense, we tend to breathe shallow breaths and our breath is concentrated on our chest only! The breath is not reaching our stomach, therefore our stomach is missing out on some precious oxygen!

Our breath is LIFE! I love this verse from . Job 33:4

The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

The breath stabilizes us. It helps our body stay in flow and if we are deeply breathing and not allowing fear to take over, we are calming our sympathetic nervous system. That is good stuff!! Our breath is so important!

#2 SOLUTION- Move from FEAR to our BREATH ( LOVE, GOD) --------------->

  • I highly recommend that if you notice that you are not breathing full body breathing that you try Yoga with Adriene. She is a great place to start to get you breathing again! Yoga helps with your breathing! Do it for a week and see if you can tell that you are breathing more fully! Breathing more fully will combat the FEAR cycle that tries to take us captive.

  • Let's sit in silence and set the timer for 3 minutes. Let's sit outside or in our bedroom or living room and look out a window. BREATHE for 3 minutes. andevery time we wander, we go back to our breaths. Let's make it a practice so that fear can calm down.

  • Let's go for a walk! Walking helps settle the nervous system as well and calms down fear. We will be breathing, walking, and being with nature. All of this can aid our nervous systems if we are trapped in FEAR. I love listening to Pandora radio while I am walking. Jim Brickman is one of my favorite stations. It relaxes me!

#3 PROBLEM- Fear takes our voice away.

WOAH, this is truly a hard one my dear reader. Fear takes our voice away. We are the precious daughters or sons of the highest God and fear can take away our precious voice. THe voice that God so freely gave us!

  • The voice is taken away from SELF first. We do not know who we are. We have a hard time talking to ourselves becasue we don't know what to say. We are just going through the motions of life never taking a look at our souls. If fear has taken away our voice we may not know what we want. If we ask ourselves, "what do I want," we will not know how to respond because FEAR has silenced us. Oh, I am so saddened by this for myself and what it has done to my fellow sisters and brothers.

  • Fear can take away our public voice. Maybe we want to speak to others and speak from who we really are. FEAR prevents us from expressing that because it tells us that we will be judged, criticized, shamed, and may lose friends or approval... ect...

  • FEAR does not want us to make an impact or express our TRUE SELF- Our SPIRIT/SOUL! #3 SOLUTION- Move from FEAR to Using our VOICE ( LOVE, GOD) ---->

  • We are children of God and we deserve to speak! We deserve to know ourselves, to speak TRUTH to ourselves and we deserve the ability to express the DIVINE through what it is that we say! Our voice is precious!

  • SPEAK to yourself first! First, let's get to know ourselves! To reveal our own truth we may have to start by writing. Writing is speaking to ourselves in the privacy of our own home. It is speaking to ourselves without JUDGING ourselves. SPEAK! Journaling is a great way to learn how to speak truthfully and honestly. If you need help learning to honestly speak to yourself, please grab a copy of THE CLIMB, a Christian guided journal that can help you do just that!

  • Speak to others! When we are ready and we have practiced speaking to ourselves, getting to know ourselves and being comfortable with who we are, then it is time to speak and express ourselves to others if we feel led to do so. We can start by merely voicing our true thoughts to those who live with us. Then maybe our friends, then maybe start a blog, YouTube channel, or something of our own! My dear reader! Fear is a liar. There are ways to move past this story and end the cycle. Little by little. The first step is always awareness. What is fear taking from you? Is it your mind, breath, or voice? Start small. End the cycle. Fear cannot take you over. It is time to get back on God's team and be open to all the great things that the Lord has for YOU! There is so much on the other side of fear! Let's go there together! I am in! Are you?


Please know that you are not alone and that you just might be searching for your

"LOVE more than FEAR" life as well. I love you and God loves you! All are welcome here!

I invite you to subscribe to this blog if you are a hurting person who is still determined to lead a healing life! I am here for it and I can't wait to see where the Lord takes us!

Please pass this along to friends and family who would be interested in these topics.

I love you!

God Bless You!


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11


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Are you looking to be more honest and start a journaling practice where you can talk with the Holy Spirit?

Grab a copy of My Christian Guided Journal below.


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